Almost everyone loves chocolate right? Well I have gone out of my way to find a great new sweet place for you to discover with me today!
Shake Your Bon Bons has some of the most amazing bon bons you have ever seen. Aimee from
Shake Your Bon Bons was kind enough to join us on the show, where we were able to discuss what inspired her to start creating these wonderful delights.

Aimee was raised in a family that enjoyed baking together. For each holiday they would bake and distribute their great foods, and she discovered her true joy in baking. Once she had kids, she really wanted to find away to stay at home with them, but still generate an income.
Shake Your Bon Bons was thus created, bringing together her need to stay home and her love of making wonderful treats.
Starting from a simple recipe that Aimee had found calling for bon bons made from little cake balls coated in frosting and then dipped in chocolate, she found she was able to craft new and unique flavors to satisfy a variety of taste buds. Aimee spread from just the plain chocolate cake, chocolate frosting and dipped in plain chocolate, to making red velvet and carrot cake flavors. Then with inspiration from her first job, she expanded into new flavors that mocked ice cream flavors. This line of unique flavors she calls
SnowBall Bon Bons uses great and unique old time ice cream flavors. The Black Raspberry Chip was the first one that started it all, inspired from a local ice cream shop near where she lives. These lighter and more intricate flavors remind most of the ice cream they got as a kid from the local homemade ice cream shop down the street, bringing back fond memories of their childhood.

Among her favorites to make are her Dark Mocha Bon Bons, which combines two of her favorite flavors, dark chocolate and coffee. Aimee selects the best coffee that is hand roasted by a local roaster, who makes each batch in small quantities, to ensure the best quality. Aimee describes the scent of these as “rich and decadent”. Her current favorite treat to snack on is her
Cookies And Cream Fudge, which is available in very limited supplies and will be back up on her site soon. This is a white chocolate fudge with cookie pieces blended into it. I myself am more fond of white chocolate and the really dark chocolates, more so than the milk chocolate. It has only been recently that I my tastes have changed to this, so I find the idea of the cookies and cream fudge absolutely divine.
Shake Your Bon Bons is not just about the bon bons though, Aimee has some wonderful
glass candies, and even some
great chocolate boxes. She describes these as a take on traditional gift boxes, but with a twist. They are solid chocolate and can be filled with either more of her sweet treats, or with what ever you may want to give. There are several styles to choose from, but my favorite is the
blooming rose, how wonderful would it be to give someone a gift surrounded by that wonderful treat!

Aimee also helps organize a local bake sale each year as a part of the
Great American Bake Sale. It is organized nationally by a group called Share Our Strength’s. Aimee told us about how the increase in attendance and participation each year has really made her feel proud of all the work that has gone in. She also described to us how the first year was not as she had planned. As we all know heat, sun, and chocolate are not good friends. Aimee got involved in this event in part due to her own misfortunes growing up. When her father lost her job when she was young there was a time that she and her family had to rely on the food bank to get by. When the opportunity came up for her to be able to return the aid, she jumped on it. If you would like more information on the Great American Bake sale you can visit Aimee’s page about it on her website. What a great way to give back to the community that has helped to support you.
It was such great fun talking to Aimee, and I continue to look at all her items on an almost daily basis. Please stop by and check her out on
her website, her
Artfire Shop and
her blog. You can also keep up with her on several other sites such as
Plurk and
twitter. She also contributes to the
Belly Garnish Blog and she is the
Cincinnati Baking Examiner. Be sure to tell her how much you enjoyed the show!
Chocolate Covered Bacon-The best in independent food finds, airs Thursday’s at 6 PM EST on
Blockhead Radio. If you missed one of our past shows you can listen to them in the
Podcast On Demand section of the website. Tune in each week as we bring you the best that we can find in independent food.
James~The Closet Creature, your Host